
High Pressure Lab and Bench Top Microfluidizer® Homogenizers 实验室桌面式高压均质机

This is the homogenization equipment designed for lab-scale processing – from investigatory R&D to small-scale pilot batches. Whether you’re looking for a bench-top homogenizer or something with a slightly larger footprint, our laboratory homogenizers offer the consistency, scalability and efficiency you need from your small-scale homogenizing equipment. Superior engineering, construction and materials ensure the exceptional durability of Microfluidizer lab scale high pressure homogenizer machines, which have been custom designed for laboratory use. Likewise, an absence of inline moving parts means Microfluidizer processors require little or no downtime. 

In fact, our proprietary wear-resistant ceramic (or diamond) fixed-geometry Interaction Chambers™ — at the heart of every Microfluidizer® high shear homogenizer — are key components that help deliver remarkably consistent results. This design feature also allows for the relative simplicity of operating and maintaining our high pressure laboratory homogenizers.


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