Idex Brands In The News – 2018 P-Mec Trade Show Event


December 12 to 14 saw the Pharma world congregate in Delhi for the premier pharmaceutical tradeshow in India. Quadro Engineering and The Fitzpatrick Company, together with Matcon and Microfluidics, showcased several new products – which garnered a lot of attention.

This year, the primary focus for Quadro and Fitzpatrick for the India market was on “solutions to help improve material processing efficiencies”.

Solutions included the CCS320 and the FlexSift, amongst others. The CCS320 is our newest addition to the CCS (Contained Compaction System) portfolio. It is a versatile compactor that can easily convert from a medium capacity production machine (≈ 50 kg/hr) to a lab-scale machine by changing a handful of components. Thus – it can meet two distinct functions with a single platform.

On the other hand, the FlexSift is an in-line security screener, with superior containment, that can reduce screening batch times by several hours. Solutions were also displayed focusing exclusively on the Indian market’s needs – such as innovative ways to maintain ideal milling temperatures when size reducing heat sensitive products, thus ensuring no screen blinding, blockages or product degradation from excessive heat.

The importance of showcasing new products is accentuated by the fact that P-Mec attracts the top subject-matter experts from each of the manufacturers attending the event. They included decision makers, influencers and application specialists. Roles ranged from business owners to directors to presidents to senior managers. Combined with numerous engineers, production and quality assurance managers, P-Mec appealed to all the key departments within an organization.

Topics discussed with these attendees focused primarily on efficiency improvements. One recurring theme centered on how vendors could help to optimize and maximize productivity. India is facing added pressures from increased product complexities and scrutiny over quality and compliance. Coupled with increased competition in a generally commoditised generics market, has companies looking to optimise their processes as a means to maximize financial returns. Hence the many conversations around solutions like the CCS320 or the FlexSift for example.

All in all, P-Mec 2018 in Delhi was a great event. Especially since it was the first time it was hosted outside of Mumbai since its inaugural 2007 launch, which added a level of uncertainty. Would people come? The answer is yes, with many positively commenting on the benefits of having all exhibitors in one location. P-Mec India has been growing steadily over the years, with more and more vendors from around the world interested in exhibiting to support this growing market. In the last couple of years, it forced organizers in Mumbai to split the tradeshow into two venues – making it difficult for attendees who were somewhat reluctant to travel from one location to the other. It is no secret that traffic in Mumbai can be challenging at the best of the times. In Delhi, the event was consolidated into one area – which appealed to a great number of participants.

Now the next stage begins – to deliver on the commitments made at the show. Our team had a lot of great conversations – some application related, some process related, some to find solutions to address imminent needs and some long term project discussions. Providing prompt and relevant content and following up, ideally in person, within a reasonable window reassures customers that we listened and we want to help them succeed. Attendees invested time - away from home and the office – as well as financial resources to come and talk with us. This shows a commitment that obviously and naturally will be reciprocated. We envision several in-depth discussions and product trials and demonstrations, eventually progressing to mutually agreed solutions. Solutions that help our India based customers to address their need for efficiency and productivity improvements. Improvements that for example, include the removal of powder security screening bottlenecks or be able to continuously mill heat sensitive powders.

2019 promises to be an exciting year and we look forward to continue to support all our valued customers – both existing and new. With our dedicated professional sales, application and engineering teams in Mumbai and Vadodara, we are committed to providing trusted solutions that improve lives – whether though improved efficiencies, profitability or peace of mind.

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